Saturday, 21 September 2013


In my opinion, often times the problem always comes from the Wify. Here are my reasons;

#1. First of all, you already have that wrong mindset about mother-in-laws, and unconsciously you read meanings to anything she says or do.

#2. Some ladies are fake from the onset.
The first time they visit a guy's home, they pretend to be what they are not, for example wake up very early before everyone  else and  do the shores. Sometimes they  even do stuff they ordinarily wouldn’t have done in their own parents house, trying to impress her. Now she is impressed, she approves of you, you are now married, you did not change but decided to relax and be yourself; after all it is your home, and she too obviously thought you have changed and perceived you were pretending all along, wish seemed so if you ask me. What do you expect, she too will change because you have stopped doing all those stuff she liked about you?

#3.  Some do not come prepared
When you were thinking of the happily ever after, you needed to know this union wasn’t going to be without family members, as much as you hate it, its definitely going to happen  so you were supposed to get married knowing you are now involved with his family members.

Okay lets say you do not fall into any of the categories above but  your mother-in-law is just troublesome, and she never liked you from day one, how can you make it work?  Here is what I suggest;

-         If your husband and his siblings could put up with her all these years, you too can, remember you were able to put up with your  boss at work. Imagine she is your mum, will you just give up on her. The word is endurance, it's a virtue. 
-         Continuously show her love and respect, nobody can resist that after a while. Give her honest compliment but don’t flatter. 
-         Hang up your hang-ups: avoid doing things that will give her the liberty to talk to you harshly. Be on top of your game always and be yourself.
-         Do not compete with her in anyway or struggle for your husband’s attention with her. Never ever tell your husband how badly his mum behaves, he will find out on his own,  respect your maturity and speak to her on your behalf 
-         Above all take it to the Lord in prayer, just like a continuous drop of water on a rock, gradually her heart will be broken and she will love you in return.

 (For your events or wedding planner contact us on royaltyokasions@gmail.com0808 692 0788)

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