Prince charming coming back home in the evening, Missy is all set for the night with her prince but not without a super hot meal set first for him. Prince seem excited that something new may be up for dinner but annoyingly its another of the usual. He is frustrated through the meal and it is Cinderella who gets to suffer the coldness that arises from this frustration back in bed.
Of course you are familiar with the rest of the story, I mean you can imagine the so many episodes that can be a follow up to this. One of such episodes could be an ALL-NEW-STARRING of Miss Intruder who thinks she has a brand new menu to grease Prince's lips and wet his appetite.
Bottom line, girls, this is definitely one of the sharp shooters of a normally happy married life. Of course I know my chics are forming with their own issues e.g, women liberation, "I didn't come into his life just to be his cook", etc, and I do understand so please air your views in the comment box and let's hear ourselves.
However my point exactly, for now (as far as Africa is concerned, considering the state of our enlightenment level) while it may be good to be skillful in the kitchen with the recipes you learnt from your mother, do well to learn as much as you can of other recipes other than hers. Learn from your friends, from his mother, learn from online recipe blogs, from Tv recipe series, from a catering school if possible, learn every recipe you can lay hands on (remember the old saying; variety is the spice of life ). Unknown to most ladies this is one of the trusted way to keep the romance in your home like forever. I know we all have our arguements to make as ladies, but come to think of it, after all is said and done, a happy marriage life with an ever glowing romance is what every African woman desires in her secret heart. Cheers!!
(I will lay out the mens' issues from my research finds much later, as the days go by, all you have to do is keep a date with me daily. Also you can drop useful suggestions in the comment box that will benefit everyone, after all we are all learning)
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