Tuesday, 14 January 2014


As the ministers prayed for the newly weds, some of the words the minister pronounced were left in my spirit weeks after the wedding.  He said "I pray for you that your marriage becomes a blessing to the body of Christ and to the entire congregation, that your marriage and home becomes an inspiration and admiration to many, a place of hope, and safety" and everyone chorused AMEN at the end of the prayers.

The prayers left me thinking and I decided to pen my thoughts to the benefit of everyone.
How does marriage become a blessing?

Your marriage can become a blessing to the body of Christ (the church) this is because according to the Holy book... it is expected that two will do more than one. It says one will chase a thousand and two will put ten thosand to flight. If as an individual you used to win 5 souls for Christ, now that you are married the church expects that your combine efforts should  produce 15 souls for the Lord. If you prayed for months to get something done, now with the prayer of agreement with your spouse, you should get your answers promptly.

Your marriage a place of Hope:

People should look at your marriage and have hope that true love is real. They should have hope that something as sweet and as beautiful as what you and your spouse share can happen to them. In other words your home becomes a place of consolation and hope to others.

Your marriage an Inspiration and Admiration:

Your marriage should be able to inspire other homes, other relationship, and even broken homes. People should find your home worthy enough to settle their dispute, therby making your home a place of reconcillation. Single people should admire and aspire to be like you both.

Your  marriage a place if Safety:

This last point goes for both the couples themselves and for others. You should feel safe on your home. The presence of your spouse shouldn't create fear as the presence of a lion. Love is what makes a house a home. People should not get scared to visit your home, they should feel safe in your house and lobby to spend holiday in your house. They should be convince that in your home there is no room for fear, oppression, demonic attack 
 and maltreatment because they trust your level of faith in Christ Jesus and feel safe anytime anyday.

Your Marriage a blessing it's simply making your home an example.

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