Thursday, 17 April 2014


He was wounded for our trangresssions, he was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon him and by his stripes ye were healed... Isiah 53

I am guessing you already know or heard  about easter, whether or not you are a Christian or a believer.  Incase you didn't know Easter is the celebration of the death and ressurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.  You might wonder why we celebrate the death...we do cos we are opportunied to know how it all ended and it wasn't at the grave. 

 By his death, " he became poor so we might be rich, sick so that we might be whole...he took our place of damnation but the story didn't end there, he arose.....and now we celebrate our risen king who is no longer in the grave but at the right hand side of the father in the heavenly.

Now that you know,  what would you do with this information?

Keep it or tell it?

First reconcile with the one who did all these and more for you.

Second, Spread the news? Share it, tell it and get others saved.

Thirdly, Live the life he now expects you to live. A noble life, free of sin, pain, death, poverty, envy, hatred, bitterness and Anger.

Happy good friday and Easter to you all.

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