Saturday, 25 October 2014

THE PROPOSAL: Romantic Marriage Proposal Ideas

It's a beautiful day, It feels like the perfect weekend to propose to ones spouse.  No matter how I think about it; today, around the world,  someone will make a marriage proposal and someone will say yes, but how magical will it be?
Here's an article by Inam  Wilson on Romantic Marriage Proposal Ideas....enjoy!

Today, let's get our appetite awakening with lovely tips for a romantic marriage proposal. So all you guys thinking how you could go about it, worry no more, we've got your backs. And all the ladies in the house! We know you've been expecting this day to come and you've also imagined how it would be. You are closer than you think, so watch out cause your man may employ one of these ideas. Gotcha!
Underatand that as much as you don't need all the money in the world to get married, you certainly don't have to spend so much for your engagement. So no matter how low key it is, know that it can still be romantic. 
So here we go:

Public Proposals- "I dont mind if the world knows"
This is quite courageous and a bold statement that you love your woman and don't mind showing the world. If you are prepared for this, you could adopt presentthe following with a bit of your own spin in it. And the world will read your story.

That favorite place -- A place that is significant to the two of you. It could be a park, a resort, etc. The point is, that place is significant to your relationship, you or your spouse as a person. When you have successfully decided on that, have someone around who will capture the moments- photographs and possibly video. Once you're there, the person with the camera starts shooting or taking photos. That's the point you drop down on one knee and ask the question.

Also, you could hire a band (consisting of a singer(s) and an acoustic guitarist), flutist, or a single singer to do a surprise performance of her favourite song. A good one will have a way to infuse her nane in the lyrics or create an original song with her name as part of the lyrics before you pop the question. 

If cinema or the theatre is your favourite hang-out, put a call earlier to the manager, stage manager or whoever is in charge informing them about your intentions and requesting for few minutes before the start of the movie to have your message and probably her picture up on the screen or a sort of ad message after a curtain call during the stage play. You'd probably have to pay for that. When this is agreed upon. At the point when she is seated for the movie or the play, as the case may be, excuse yourself and head to the front of the screen or backstage and as the message is played to the sight of all those around you step out and go down on one knee holding out the ring.

Your favourite place could be a club or a lounge where you've got a live band. As the case may be, check in earlier, to make all necessary arrangements or when you both arrive, excuse yourself and have a word with the band leader or DJ. At the right moment, if you are good at singing you could grab the mic, do her a song and the question follows with you down on one knee and the ring held out or the DJ plays her favourite song and hand you the mic and you call out her name in full to get her attention. While doing this you are walking close to her direction.

In addition, you could monitor her to know when she will be going to the mall and at what time. When that is confirmed, find a way to get one of her friend to be in the loop to keep you updated. This will help you track where she is and where you could meet her and publicly declare your interest. Or still at the mall, find a way to use the public address system (PAS) you mustn't be the one talking, someone could do the speech thing to get her attention while you do what's needful. 

Finally, on the public proposal, if you want to make it a bit elaborate. Call into a radio station when she is listening to her favourite radio program or have her informed to listen to that station at the particular time you want to make your proposal. 

Am sure you will definitely find an idea that tickles your fancy. That is if you intend making a bold statement by proposing to your fiancée publicly. But if you feel you are not game for the public idea, no need to panic as our next article will present you more ideas. Keep close tab and get ready for more!

Art pics by Peniel Enchill

Written by Inam Wilson
Of  Wedding singer
(Kindly visit FB & Like Wedding singer Page)

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