Sunday, 20 October 2013

Health Living: What's behind that bloated Belly? 5 common cause...and how to treat them (3)

Could be the cause if: You often feel tired; you’ve lost weight for no ­apparent reason; you are suffering from ­abdominal pain. Coeliac disease is an adverse ­reaction to gluten, which is found in wheat, barley and rye and all foods containing them – everything from pasta and bread to pies and some gravies and sauces.It is an autoimmune ­condition where the body mistakes substances in gluten for a threat and attacks them, leading to damage to the surface of the small bowel, which then ­affects your ability to absorb nutrients from food.It used to be mainly ­diagnosed in children, but it’s now known people can go undiagnosed into middle age. If you have these ­symptoms, see your ­doctor and ask to have a blood test for coeliac disease. ­National Institute for Health and Clinical ­Excellence guidelines state that anyone with bloating and other IBS-type symptoms should be tested for it. If you’re diagnosed, you’ll feel better once you start avoiding all foods ­containing gluten.
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