OK, this sounds to me like 'The Lord Of The Rings' (remember that epic fantasy film directed by Peter Jackson?). Well, I am not about to write another epic movie okay, lol, what I am referring to in this piece is the wedding ring worn by ladies. I had to settle for this title because it sounds just okay for what's on my mind.
Without any further ado lets get talking. You may already know that the wedding ring, is a symbol of oneness, commitment and devotion, as well as a token of love between couples. Now, there is this circle I discovered among single ladies that is really funny. You know what they say about the 'sweet sixteen', a phrase that depicts the bloom stage in a girls life; that flowery and youthful period when she is the toast and attraction of all the men around? Right! I have seen young girls who got so carried away by their beauty to the extent that they go buy a ring and wear it to discourage men from coming close to them. So they put it either on the engagement finger or the wedding finger and as a result the men think twice before coming close to them, and in most cases they are scared off completely.Not that I have a problem with this in a genuine case, but when it is worn to creat a false impression, I don't think it is right because where it is a play of deceit and it back fires, it is usually scornful.
Now here is the irony in the whole game. Some years later she is almost forty and yet not married, she throws the ring away so that the men will see that she is still single; ironic you would agree. In fact some ladies because of the false lives they've lived, they prefer to continue wearing the ring on the wedding finger while they are yet single at such middle life age just to cover up the shame. Some even have to relocate to another town where they are not known, to live without the ring, secretly praying and hoping that a guy puts a ring on their fingers, how ironic...isn't it?
My point is simple; do the right thing at the right time. My ladies, you might want to think of a better way to ward off the flocking men around you than use that ring cos its a killer strategy. You might just discourage your soul mate with that trick and never get to meet that man of your dreams again. When they flock around you at that bloom stage of your life, you must understand that it is meant to be so, and to your advantage too, that is, you can have a wide range of 'stock' from where to make your choices from. When you don't think you want a guy around you, politely tell them off. That would be more better than the ring trick.
Quite true royalty